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  • Am I a Candidate for Invisalign?

    Am I a candidate for Invisalign

    If you are wondering, “Am I a candidate for Invisalign?” the answer is that you probably are! Although the initial creation of Invisalign® only included addressing minor orthodontic issues, many improvements have been made to this innovative system of alignment trays. What Exactly Is Invisalign? Invisalign is a custom-designed transparent aligner system based on impressions …

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    Paramus Orthodontist talks Teeth


    The first thing we do every morning is brush them, and besides being essential for chewing, the teeth also play an important role in speech. Learn the different parts of the teeth and how they all come together to give you your unique smile with Dr. Milestone and the team at Milestone Orthodontics in Paramus, …

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    Prevent Nail Biting says Orthodontist


    Milestone Orthodontics cautions his patients about the danger of nail biting on your teeth. Nail biting is one of the so-called “nervous habits” that can be triggered by stress, excitement or boredom. Experts say that about thirty percent of children and fifteen percent of adults are nail biters, however most will stop chewing their nails …

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    Ring in the New Year with Good Oral Health


    Oral health begins with clean teeth. Keeping the area where your teeth meet your gums clean can prevent gum disease, and keeping your tooth surfaces clean can help you avoid cavities. Dr. Milestone of Milestone Orthodontics offers the following tips to his patients near Montclair:   Brush your teeth at least twice a day. When …

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    Happy Holidays from Bloomfield Orthodontist


    With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season here, Milestone Orthodontics and our entire staff near Bloomfield want to stop for a moment and extend our best wishes to you, our patients, and their entire families, this holiday season. Milestone Orthodontics wants to help you avoid an orthodontic emergency with a few tips. During …

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    Orthodontic Treatment near Hackensack


    If you are looking for excellent orthodontic treatment near Hackensack, Milestone Orthodontics is here to help. Dr. Milestone explains 5 tooth problems that he can fix with the proper orthodontic treatment plan. Openbites, underbites, overbites and deep overbites – Milestone Orthodontics near Hackensack specializes in the correction of all four bites. Dr. Milestone encourages that …

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    Thanksgiving Foods and Braces near Montclair

    Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and Milestone Orthodontics near Montclair is here to help with your orthodontic treatment concerns around Thanksgiving foods and braces. Fortunately, there are brace friendly foods like mash potatoes that are plentiful at Thanksgiving meals. Thanksgiving is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the U.S. and it has been a …

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    When Should my Child see an Orthodontist?

    Orthodontic treatments and dental treatments are quite different. Orthodontic treatments, such as those used by Milestone Orthodontics located in Essex County are used to address issues such as malocclusion, tooth alignment, and jaw spacing, while dental treatments are aimed at maintaining overall tooth health. Because of the specific nature of orthodontic treatments, it can sometimes …

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    Goals of Verona Orthodontist

    Our goal at Milestone Orthodontics in Verona is a good bite—meaning straight teeth that mesh well with the teeth in the opposite jaw. Dr. Milestone will develop an orthodontic treatment to correct your bite. A good bite makes it easier for you to bite, chew and speak. This can enhance your dental health and your …

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