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  • Invisalign in Montclair NJ

    Don’t let cost of Invisalign deter you from using Invisalign as your preferred orthodontic treatment says Milestone Orthodontics serving Montclair NJ. “How much does Invisalign cost?” Milestone Orthodontics says the national average for Invisalign treatment is between $5,000 and $7,000. Let Milestone Orthodontics evaluate your orthodontic needs and correct your teeth with Invisalign. Fortunately, Milestone Orthodontics works with its patients and offers affordable payment plans. Milestone Orthodontics also accepts many different insurance plans, with most accepting Invisalign as a proven dental straightening method.

    Clear aligners are gaining popularity and work in most cases. Call 973.325.1777 today for your free consultation on Invisalign by an Elite Provider for the Montclair area. The perfect smile awaits you.