Braces for Adolescents in Paramus NJ -
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  • Braces for Adolescents in Paramus NJ

    At Milestone Orthodontics, Dr. Matthew Milestone offers many types of treatments for even his youngest of patients.  Many parents of Paramus NJ never know what age is optimal to schedule a consultation with an orthodontist.  According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), kids or adolescents should consult with an orthodontist as early as 7 years old.  Dr. Milestone believes that orthodontic treatment at a younger age will prevent other oral-related issues later in life like over-biting and crowding.


    Milestone Orthodontics has been serving the Paramus NJ area for the past several years, and would love to help even more patients in and around the Paramus NJ area.  If you or someone you know has an adolescent that may require orthodontic treatment, please feel free to contact us at 201-845-8411 for more information or to schedule your consultation.